Justin Zelm

Sandusky, Ohio


When did you join TWB?

2013 and 2019

Primary Focus?



5k: 17:59 Half Marathon: 1:15:18 Marathon: 3:05:00

Long Term Running Goals?

Consistency! I'm hoping to run a sub-3 marathon and perhaps a sub-1:20 half-marathon

Favorite Race?

I've always been drawn to the half-marathon because the distance requires equal amounts of fast speed and endurance.

Favorite Running Shoes?

I've never been tied to a particular brand or specific shoe. Any pair of shoes that can handle my size 14 feet is the right fit for me.

Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner?

Definitely the community, seeing teammates workout and compete all over the world. Also

What motivates you to run?

The endorphin rush, isn't that what we are all in search of? lol. I've always enjoyed being outside, breathing in the air and just letting my mind wander as I'm putting in the miles

If you’re not running you’re…

Probably fat. I'm either working or taking my Jackabee, Haddie, on brisk walks

Where you wish you could run..

Probably the PNW or the West Coast

What is your PROUDEST PR?

My Half-Marathon time of 1:25:18 back when I ran The Dallas Marathon in 2013. I ran the race to perfection from start to finish and then puked as I crossed the finish line, which my middle school cross country coach always said was a sign of maximum effort.

What is your favorite Workout?

Mile repeats

I can’t run without….

My Garmin and over-analyzing the day's workout before and after

T-Shirt or Sweater?


Rain or Snow?


Superman or Batman?


Puzzles or BOARD GAMES?


Short shorts or tights?
