Krista Ruehmer

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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When did you join TWB?

I’m an original!

Primary Focus?

Building my speed back up in 13.1 and 26.2


1/2 Marathon: 1:38:58, Marathon 3:29:09

Long Term Running Goals

Sub-1:35 in the half marathon and get back to Boston.

Pre-Race Superstition

I always paint my nails the night before.

Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner

After all the years, Caleb understands my brain when it comes to training.

If you could run with one person in history who would it be?

I want to go for a run with Obama.

If you’re not running your…

chasing around my toddler.

Your favorite part of running where you live is…

running along Lake Michigan is always peaceful.

You got start running when…

I realized I was a pretty strong runner in elementary school during the 1-mile test. It never stopped after that.

The coolest place you ever ran was…

Bend, Oregon

Favorite workout?

I always look forward to a long run with a friend.

Oceans or Mountains?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Night Owl or Early Riser?

NEITHER, help me

Long Run or Speed work?

Long run

Cat or Dog?
