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Preparing for an Ultra Marathon: Tips and Tricks for Success

If you’re running an ultra marathon, you've likely already tackled a number of races and are now ready to take on the ultimate challenge. Whether you're looking to tackle your first 50k or are ready to push your limits with a 100 mile race, there are a few key things to consider as you prepare for your ultra marathon.

  1. Do more than just run easy:

Before you start ramping up your training miles, it's important to have a strong foundation of running fitness. This means building up your weekly mileage gradually and incorporating a variety of workouts (e.g., tempo runs, hill repeats, intervals) to improve your endurance, speed, and strength. To be the best ultra-marathoner you have to make sure you’re running a variety of paces early in your training!

2. Incorporate strength training:

In addition to running, it's important to incorporate strength training into your training program to help prevent injuries and improve your overall performance. This can include exercises like squats, lunges, and core work to build lower body and core strength. It's also a good idea to focus on exercises that target the muscles used in running, such as the glutes, quads, and calves. Strength work will help reduce muscle fatigue many hours into a race - do not skip strength work!

3. Focus on Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is key to fueling your body for long runs and helping you recover between workouts. Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet that includes enough carbohydrates to fuel your runs, as well as protein and healthy fats to support muscle recovery. It's also a good idea to experiment with different types of fuel (e.g., gels, bars, chews) during your training runs to find what works best for you. An ultra marathon is all about how much you can eat while on the move. Practice, practice, practice each long run that you have with what sits well in the stomach and varieties of that to eat. On race day, it's important to have a fueling plan absolutely nailed down but still flexible to ensure you have enough energy to get through the race.

4. Include long runs:

Long runs are an essential part of any ultra marathon training program. Start by gradually increasing your long run distance and incorporate a variety of terrain (e.g., hills, trails) to prepare your body for the challenges of an ultra marathon. It's also a good idea to practice running on the specific terrain and conditions that you'll encounter during the race. Longer isn’t always better though for those who are getting ready for 100K or 100 miles. There is a cap. Each long run is a chance to practice a different element of what you’ll experience on race day however.

5. Be Consistent:

Consistency is key when it comes to training for an ultra marathon. It's important to stick to a regular training schedule and gradually build up your mileage over time. It's better to gradually increase your training volume and intensity rather than trying to do too much too soon. The most important thing about ultra marathon training is not just in the weekends - but the running that happens the rest of the week too. It takes time to build this up but ultra marathons are all about how strong your aerobic system can hold up across hours of running.

6. Don’t forget about recovery

Rest and recovery are just as important as your training runs. Make sure to incorporate rest days into your training schedule and use active recovery techniques like yoga or foam rolling to help your body recover from hard workouts. There has been lots of research that light activities such as these are much better for recovery than sitting on a couch and doing nothing. It's also a good idea to pay attention to your body and listen to any signs of overtraining or burnout. This can be sleeping too much (or too little), little appetite, or dealing with depression. Overtraining shows up in people in vastly different ways and that’s what makes it so hard to pinpoint. Finally, sleep is the most important recovery tool in any runners arsenal. Normatech boots are great - but sleep is a much more effective tool at promoting healing and recovery.

By following these tips and creating a well-rounded training program, you'll be well on your way to achieving your ultra marathon goals. Whether you're running your first 50k or tackling your first 100 mile race, these tips will help you prepare for the challenge and cross the finish line with confidence. With a combination of proper training, nutrition, and recovery, you'll be able to take on even the toughest ultra marathon course and come out on top. So don't let any doubts or fears hold you back – with the right mindset and preparation, you can accomplish anything.